What would it feel like to be part of a creative community where people truly "get" you? In this trailer, meet Maddox and Dwight, the Connections and Community Guys behind For the Love of Creatives. They introduce the podcast’s purpose, a space for heart-centered creatives to come together, collaborate, and grow with a shared spirit of support.
Maddox and Dwight believe in moving from "me to we," unlocking the power of community for solo creatives. Each episode will feature different formats: sometimes a discussion between the hosts, other times exploring new dimensions of creativity, and often conversations with guests. While some guests may be experts, most are everyday creatives who have worked through challenges to find their unique version of success.
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If you’re a creative looking to build connections and grow in a supportive community, this podcast is for you.
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What would it feel like if you were in a creative community of people who really got you? Hi, I'm Maddox and I'm Dwight. We're the connections and community guys of for the love of creatives. For the love of creatives is a common watering hole where creatives come together to create, collaborate and co elevate. First and foremost, we're very excited to share with you what we call our big purpose. We help solo heart centered creatives make the journey from me to we so they can unlock the power of community and support one another. With each episode, we will dive into different formats. Sometimes it will just be Maddox and me adding a topic back and forth. Other times we explore other dimensions of creativity and sometimes will invite guests. Yes. As for guests, some of our guests may be experts who bring a valued topic to the conversation, but more often than not, our guests are gonna be everyday creatives just like you and me. People who started in the trenches, worked through their challenges to get to the level of success. They are today. Join us each week for a few minutes of discussion where we'll talk about what it is to create, collaborate and co elevate. Meanwhile, please share the registration link that's down in the show notes with all of your creative friends and we will see you soon.