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Craigers Hanzelka

Craigers Hanzelka Profile Photo


I'm a Texas born guy who's love of cooking started at an early age. When most kids were out catching crawfish in their local Houston ditches and creeks, I was usually in the kitchen creating my next great recipe. I come from a family of 3 other siblings and a single parent. We were poor more times than not, so getting creative with meals was paramount. I think we were called "latch door key" kids back then. Mom was always working to put food on the table. I was trusted with the stove and microwave at 5 or 6 years old. Try giving that honor to a kid at that age today!
My favorite class in junior high and high school was Home Economics. Being in a kitchen and around a stove was second nature. When I was 13, I went to live with my father (and step mother) in Germany for 3 years. Aside from being in culture shock for the first time in my life, I was able to glean recipes from several "Oma's" in the town where we lived. Learning about and experiencing the local cuisine was truly my favorite part of living abroad.
Upon moving back stateside, my passion for the culinary world never left me. I was determined to seek proper training at some point. I enrolled into a boutique styled Culinary School in NYC in the spring of 1992. At the time, it was called Peter Kumps New York Cooking School. Many of today's celebrity TV chefs also went there. While in school, I was fortunate to meet several influential people in the business. One in particular was a very well known Chocolatier named, Robert Linxe, owner of La Maison du Chocolate. His pricey creations were individual works of art and he had 30+ stores throughout the world. Robert took a fondness for my willingness to learn anything and everything regarding Chocolate. After graduating from the Pastry and Baking course, I was asked to intern for him in Paris, France. It wasn't until many years later that I found out that I had been the only American he ever allowed to train under him. It was quite the honor. He had asked me to stay for 2 years for further training, but home was calling. Upon returning to NY, I opened up a small catering company out on the eastern end of Long Island. There, I spent several years cooking for the "rich and undeserving" (-a joke I created for the elitist crowds that made up the Hamptons area.). Eventually, I started working exclusively in clients homes. Being a Private Chef took me back to Europe several times(I traveled with them) over the years. Most of these positions had a contract of 1 to 3 years. In between these gigs, I would volunteer my services to teach young children how to cook. Giving back to my community is a feeling not many get to experience. The looks on childrens faces after they learned to make a meal for their family was priceless.
During COVID, I was living in Denver, Colorado. I had decided to start my Chocolatier business(not the best time to create!). Luckily, I already had garnered several followers who kept me in business.
More to come if needed.